Compliant extract:
• Knowledge, awareness and respect by citizens of legal rights and obligations, supporting them in relations with central and local authorities, as well as informing and advising them on issues arising from the application of current legislation;
• Support minorities and immigrants in order to integrate and accept them into society;
• Development and diversification of programs and actions to prevent and combat risk factors in order to reduce the number of people in one of the following situations: deviance, delinquency, discrimination based on different criteria, institutionalisation/post-institutionalisation, physical and mental disability , drug use, excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco use, geographic positioning;
• Development and diversification of social and cultural programs aimed at supporting and integrating disadvantaged people and immigrants into society;
• Promotion of democratic principles and human rights, in compliance with the provisions of current international treaties and national legislation; Fight against racism, fascism and discrimination of all kinds • Fight against totalitarianism, extremist ideologies and terrorism;
• Support specific volunteering activities, civic participation and active citizenship;
• Promotion of the common interests of the organization's members;
• Encourage young people to develop their personal and professional skills;
• Development and diversification of non-formal and informal educational offerings
• Increase citizens' participation in the life of society at various levels: economic, civic, political, cultural, educational, sporting, as well as other related levels;
• Facilitate access to the cultural act and increase cultural consumption among citizens;
• Support information, consultancy and professional orientation actions;
• Formation of a healthy lifestyle among young people;
• Promotion of the different components of tourism;
• The responsibility of citizens and for better involvement in community life;
Involvement of young people and citizens in social campaigns;
• Promotion of sexual education among young people;
• Promote ecological principles, protect the environment and educate citizens in the spirit of respect for nature;
• Implementation of programs regarding sustainable development;
• Promotion of European values and development of intercultural programmes;
• The development of economic activities under the conditions established by the legislation in force.
• conferences and other similar activities that support the concept of sustainable development;
• Ensure the vitality of sustainable communities by triggering changes in people's thinking system in order to embrace the concept of sustainable development, respectively the initiative of a sustainable future;
• Make young people aware of the role they can play in creating a sustainable future, thus triggering an entire creative and innovative process
• Development of products and services, educational materials for groups interested in educating for a sustainable future;
• Develop a sustainable attitude, i.e. build responsible behavior towards the environment and society
• Promotion, support and organization of cultural-educational entertainment activities;
• Preparation of market studies, public opinion polls, development consultancy
of business projects and plans, development of human resources for natural and legal persons by offering entrepreneurial training services, professional training, work mediation or professional information and consultancy;
• Provision of social and community services to all disadvantaged and needy social categories;
• Initiate different categories of population (without distinction of age, sex, ethnicity, etc.)
to the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge to develop all forms of cultural, artistic and educational expression.
• Promote the principles of protection of national and international heritage (according to which the values and assets which belong to the cultural heritage have the quality of fundamental sources of knowledge of the past and present and must benefit from protection), creative freedoms (for which the freedom of artistic expression and public communication of facts and artistic representations of culture is a fundamental right), the primacy of value (ensuring the moral and material conditions for the application of evaluation, selection, promotion and affirmation of the criteria of creativity and talent), institutional autonomy (according to which the start and development of cultural, artistic, educational and sporting projects cannot be limited on the basis of criteria of nationality, ethnicity, age, sex, religion, opinions policies, social conditions, situation or degree of culture), equal opportunities for culture and education (according to which, the access and participation of all people in culture, art, education and sport and the development of the spiritual life of communities, in all their diversity), cultural identity is ensured in the global circuit of values (ensuring the protection of the national cultural heritage and the promotion of the values of national spirituality in the national and international circuit)